MyCoworkersOnline Manual (version 0.9.3)

Main screen

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Settings - General screen

Our application offers a wide range of settings.
Our goal is to provide you with the flexibility to customize the app according to your needs.

UI Settings

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In this section, you can manage:

  • the size of avatars, ranging from very small to very large.
  • the size of usernames displayed below the avatars. The size is relative to the avatar's size, with three gradations: small/medium/large.
  • you can choose to display names in either a single line or two lines, as per your preference.
  • you have the option to pin the application on top of all other windows and, if needed, enable and adjust the transparency mode.

Buttons Settings

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In this section, you can:

  • Enable timer button synchronization: If you are a part of multiple teams and work simultaneously across them, this feature allows you to synchronize timer buttons. When pressing one timer button, changes will automatically apply to every team.
  • Enable administrator mode: This mode introduces additional functionalities, like the ability to remove users from teams and erase all local data. Please note: data removal is irreversible, which is why it's only available in the administrator mode.

Notify Settings

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In this section, you can:

  • Manage Notifications: Users can choose and test various notification types based on their operating system. Notifications play a crucial role, for instance:
    • Colleague Availability Alerts: Get notified as soon as a colleague you're waiting for becomes available.
    • Break Reminders: To ensure you regularly take breaks during work.
    • Start and End of Workday Alerts: The system analyzes your usual work schedule and reminds you to start or end your work after a certain number of hours.
    Fine-tuning notifications is a key feature, and we plan to further enhance it.
  • Telegram Notifications: We have developed a Telegram bot @mycoworkersbot. It allows you to manage your work timings even when you're away from your computer. Through this bot, you can also receive alerts, which can be customized or turned off at will.

Stat Settings

In the Stat section, you can configure the display of numerical data in the Stat screen.

Settings - Team screen

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In this section, you can:

  • Manage your personal information: set the name that will be displayed to your colleagues and select an avatar through the Gravatar service.
  • Join colleague teams and rename them as you see fit.
  • Create your own custom team.
Soon, we'll introduce a feature allowing group creation with the option to host the backend on your own servers, making our app suitable for use within secure corporate networks.

Settings - Stat screen

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Welcome to the statistics section. Here you'll find:

  • Numerical statistics, including work time, rest time, the number of breaks, and the overall start and end time of your work.
  • Graphs showing work and rest durations for the selected day or period.
  • The option to choose from preset or custom time periods.
  • Different types of numerical indicators:
    • Average value — arithmetic mean, the total sum of all values divided by their count.
    • Median value — the number in the middle of an ordered set of numbers.
    • Truncated mean — the calculated average excluding the top and bottom 10% of values.
In the main settings, you can customize the display of these indicators. We plan to refine and enhance this section in the future, both in terms of metrics and their visualization.

Settings - Logs screen

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Welcome to the logs section. Here you can:

  • View raw logs (timer button presses).
  • See the processed information in markdown format.
  • Export data to a file.
It's important to note:
  • Logs are stored solely on your device. If deleted, they cannot be recovered.
  • Statistics are based on these logs and are calculated directly on your device.
  • All data (logs and statistics) reside only on your device. The server only manages the logic for exchanging colleague information without storing it.
We're working on features that will allow you to transfer logs between devices, as well as provide you the option to manually save data to our cloud.