MyCoworkersOnline FAQ

1. What are your plans for the future?

Our development roadmap largely depends on user interest and the popularity of our product. Here's a glance at some of the features we're considering:

  • Developing additional templates, including a one-line view of the application.
  • System notifications to signal the start and end of work, as well as reminders for necessary breaks. These notifications will be customizable.
  • A subscription feature to follow your colleagues. If a colleague is unavailable, you can receive a notification when they start working, facilitating prompt communication for work-related matters.
  • Enhanced work statistics visualization, with additional charts and distribution diagrams.
  • Source code publication for those interested in deploying their own servers, ideal for tighter integration into your production process, even in a closed-loop environment.
  • Light theme introduction, plus potential additional visual customizations.
  • A "Pomodoro Timer" integration - a useful tool that can complement our tracker perfectly.

2. How can I host this on my own server?

Currently, this feature is under development. We are preparing the source code and API to facilitate your own server setup. The timeline for this is yet to be determined, but rest assured we will announce it as soon as it's ready. Stay tuned!