MyCoworkersOnline ChangeLog

Version 0.9.3 (13 August, 2023)

  • Added the ability to control the size of avatars and names.
  • Introduced control via Telegram bot (with an average lag of about 1 minute between the bot and the app).
  • Added notifications of various types.
  • Introduced an administrator mode that hides dangerous buttons/actions.
  • Implemented the export of logs (in raw format and as markdown) to a file.
  • Introduced a new type of markdown log display.
  • Added a comprehensive statistics section, within which:
    • the logic for calculating statistics has been revamped.
    • added the ability to select periods, both with predefined ranges and custom ones.
    • introduced a graph displaying work and rest periods.
  • Made several minor fixes to identified errors - version comparison, window size calculation, block sizes.

Version 0.9.1 - first release (28 May, 2023)

Are you tired of the constant confusion about who's working and who's not? Want a simple solution to sync your team's working rhythm, whether remote or in office? Look no further. My Coworkers Online is the application you need.

My Coworkers Online is a unique tool that not only helps track your productivity but also respects your coworker's time. This powerful yet simple-to-use app lets you:

  • Monitor Your Productivity
    Keep track of your own working time. Our app ensures you stay productive and meet your goals seamlessly.
  • Show Your Availability
    Make your working status visible to your team. Let them know when you're free to collaborate or communicate, and when you're focused on tasks or taking a well-deserved break.
  • Understand Your Team's Flow
    See your coworker's working status in real-time. Coordinate better, respect their time, and ensure everyone is in sync.
  • Build Or Join Teams
    Create or join existing teams to stay connected. View each other's status and collaborate more effectively.
  • Evaluate Your Work Patterns
    Access comprehensive statistics about your work hours. Understand your workflow better with insights about your total hours worked, pause counts, and more.
  • Deploy Your Own Server (underway)
    Choose between using our server or deploy your own based on our turnkey solution, adaptable to your unique needs.

Download My Coworkers Online today, and revolutionize your team's work rhythm. Say goodbye to confusion, and hello to a harmonized, productive workspace.
Let's respect time, together.